as a product of public schools, i feel the need to step in here.
not all life skills are things you can learn in a book.
there is the ying and yang of street and book smart.
and theres no better place to get some street smarts than in a public school system.
as far as preventing school shootings. idk about these days but from 6th grad through 12th grade everyday I had to walk through metal detectors to enter the building. didnt bother me one bit, besides the hassle of having to take off my belt every morning.
people have lost the ability to see past the present
i would never send my kid to a school with metal detectors, and about your street smart logic: may as well throw them in jail then because thats where you really learn some street smarts
arent we trying to prevent stuff from happening at schools. you are against your kid walking through a metal detector?
well considering our judicial system is all fucked up, yeah unfortunately alot of Americans are forced to learn some street smarts.
i think your statement regarding breeding ground for mental illness is misdirected at public schools [which i will admit have fallen far from when i attended] instead of the societal impacts of things like social media and 24/7 life online, a population doped up on pharmaceuticals]
i admit before that public schools arent what they used to be in terms of quality of education, but i am curious as to what makes you think public schools now, as opposed to private, are a breeding grounds for mental illness.