Yes, my understanding is that Bitcoin is halal. However, in my understanding as a layperson, the default ruling for “worldly” matters is one of permissibility; one needs powerful evidence to declare something as forbidden.
I like Bitcoin for multiple reasons but here are a few:
It aligns with a societal need for a reliable store of value without negative externalities, a fair unit of account, a mechanism to counter the concentration of power.
I don’t buy in to the Bitcoin presents an alternative to the current interest based monetary system but I appreciate its appeal when marketing Bitcoin to Muslims.
Ah yes, these are good points - many thanks.
I'd heard of the first one in the past but had forgotten this.
I had the idea of doing some research exploring each faith's view of Bitcoin to write a post in the future. Its always interesting to see Bitcoin through a different lens.
But, I feel it would be better for it to came from someone with something more to say than myself...