Trying something new this year with expiring ticket tiers!
I really like the ticket count-down. Enforcing and communicating scarcity is so high leverage. It creates fomo asap.
See you there stackers!
omg thanks @k00b!! yeah we’ve spent a lot of time this year building the tech stack for #btcpp from the ground up, so we could add fun stuff like countdown timers and have a fully integrated bitcoin/fiat checkout experience with minimal work on the backend ✌️
hoping to get more things in soon like using our own CLN node for bitcoin payments + discount/affiliate links 🔗
@niftynei heads up that there is a typo on the website “awaare” should read “aware.” Hope to make it this year - not sure if I’ll be able to with a baby on the way.
very happy that you accept LN payments because of the high fees currently :)