"I was just on ex-birdapp and there was a legit discussion about how coinjoin/collaborative transactions make you vulnerable. It's hilarious and sad, but these people will sell you out at the nearest opportunity"
it's ultimately a question of time preference that will enforce and resolve itself as individuals deserve. if you are stupid enough to think you can reach some kind of compromise with the state, you deserve to get rugged, and you will. on the other hand, if you coinjoin the shit out of your stack and either don't plan to access it for 50+ years or are aiming to interact in and contribute to a circular economy, you will win because this iteration of the state will have collapsed by then, to which your opting out will marginally contribute, plus you will probably have escaped with 12 words in your head.
but yes, in the meantime, mock these people mercilessly. they are going to lose everything anyway so may as well front-run it while they are still in a good mood.