Do not let that become a chip on your shoulder. Everyone will become more interested when things align for them to do so. I was in Bitcoin for a long time before everything clicked. Don't be in a rush. Have patience. You also place too much power on why someone is in Bitcoin. Why should it matter? If they see that it can benefit them either long term or even short term then who are any of us to gate keep that? Just because Bitcoin is not used in the exact way you want, or people don't understand it in the exact way you do does not mean you should give up on their path to understanding it.
I don't understand why so many Bitcoiner's want to take the path of being so jaded. Is your goal to get people using Bitcoin or not? Did you contribute to Bitcoins yearly growth in adoption or not? Those are the only two things that actually matter in any of this. Not why someone uses Bitcoin or if they are a maxi and not if someone hodl's. Literally not relevant to Bitcoins adoption.
Bitcoiners are going to have a real difficult time accepting people who don't care about being sovereign and don't care about self custody, but you're going to have to accept those people to. After all, Bitcoin is for everyone.
tl/dr none of your business why someone is motivated to learn about Bitcoin now. Take the opportunity and be an educator or sit in silence.
Take the opportunity and be an educator or sit in silence.
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Most people in this thread are agreeing with op. It is just crazy to me that a group of people who desire to be self sovereign are attempting to impose their ideas of how everyone should be sovereign. When those ideas don't align they get mad and try to impose authority over someone or write them off entirely. Ostracized from the group because you are different. That is tribalism.
Do you want to be in Bitcoin because you believe in it or because you have nowhere else in life you feel like you belong? All of you are just going to give up the second someone's interest does not align to yours?
That is crazy and to me is just a sign of a weak human. A challenge comes your way and you run? Where is your appetite?