Nah you're making a good decision, if you continue to send to people who don't want messaging the service will get a bad rep and brands will not want to use it.
While it might be a smaller group, you're growing a more active group so messaging will have a better CPC/CPA for those sending them.
I'm interested to see how this market develops since I've worked on email marketing, sms marketing, push notification marketing for companies in the past
I wonder how things like
  • frequency caps could change the marketplace, so pricing changes if they try to send more messages over a certain range
  • Would it be possible to use something like a hodl invoice to get the user to interact with the message to claim the sats and then use that as "deliverability"/View rate (pay a higher rate for this version)
  • Possibility of uploading a unique coupon list each user gets a different 1 time code tied to their LN address so brands have oversight over users who convert/claim the offer
  • Charging a premium to include UTM tracking in links for traffic attribution
  • User can send back a sat or sats on a campaign to opt-out of messaging from that advertiser
Would change the user behaviour