Hey I was checking out your service earlier today , and i noticed something that might be of interest to you , but maybe not , I don't know : When you have selected all of the options that you want , like how many sats, and how many people you want to send the message to, and you go to pay the invoice , you can only pay by scanning the qr code . If you are on your phone , you can't do that , so it is kind of forcing you to only use the service on your laptop . Maybe that was the intention , I don't know , just something that I have noticed. Also I was wondering , if you select only a portion of the possible recipients, lets just say you only select 100 people , how do you decide which 100 people that the message reaches , is it done randomly ?
Hi, yeah addresses are chosen randomly from the pool, so that the first few don’t get everything and the last few miss out! Thanks for the feedback about paying on your phone, we’ll have a think about how we can make that better.
Thanks for reply. Eaglesats , we salute you 🫡
Hi @StackerKnacker we've fixed the QR issue now, so you'll be able to tap to copy the QR code on mobile devices. 👍