Im all for the modernization of Web Rings. The centralization of content discovery (and search, for that matter) makes all content more susceptible to censorship and manipulation.
Web Rings were ultimately killed by Yahoo.
Cool concept, interested to see what happens with it.
Where does the site talk about web rings?
That was just an inference I made based on “Curators” — the site is actually pretty sparse on information and it’s possible I misunderstood. I imagine it would be like
Curator A: I found these links/content interesting. I also found Curator Bs links/content interesting.
Am I misunderstanding?
Oh I don’t know I could find anything conclusive. I’ll have to google for content rings
That much marketing and no features list makes me very wary. I doubt this project will even get finished.
Totally agree with you , it was all hat and no cattle .
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it seems like another version of pinterest, which i'd be into.