A widowed fisherman had three daughters And were living in a village next to a lake One day the youngest noticed the water was rising Water was flowing in from a weird looking river
When she came close to the river She saw what was so strange about it The river was flowing uphill It originated from a cave below the lake
Curious as she was, she went into the cave It was very dark down there Until she went so deep That she came to a room that was lit
In that room she saw a large Magic Mirror She looked into it and saw her mother She also observed that the waterflow Was originating from the mirror
Then a terrible Wizard appeared ”So you have figured out my little secret”, he said. ”This mirror moves future water into the present Therefore it flows backwards into the lake.”
“But others cannot know I’m doing this Therefore I will have to take your voice So that you cannot warn the people of the lake.” And ZAP, he transported her voice through the mirror.
She ran out of the cave And tried to warn the people about the mirror But nobody could hear what she said For all her words arrived too late
She wept and wept and wept For she didn’t know what to do Then in the distance, she saw sunlight Shining on a castle not too far away.
The glow seemed warm and inviting So she started walking towards it When she arrived there stood an old castle Which was surrounded by a green meadow.
The drawbridge came down And out walked an old man dressed in orange He took her by the hand And they together walked inside the castle
The courtyard had an orange tree in the middle They walked to the tree and the old man said: ”I know about the magic mirror and the lake. I tried to warn them, but they wouldn’t listen.”
“Instead I have taken care of this magic orange tree. The water it drains out of the lake is stored in its oranges. It is a very thirsty tree and makes big roots It can move the earth.”
The old man gave her a bag of seeds And asked her if she could plant them around the castle For he was too old to do this job But it was necessary it was done.
She nodded and planted all seeds the in the meadow It was very tiring work So she found a room inside with a big bed And slept for 210.000 blocks
When she woke up The castle was now on top of a big mountain Surrounded by trees with juicy oranges The old man she had forgotten
The girl was thirsty from her sleep She therefore shook one of the trees A juicy orange fell down and she took a bite. She screamed loud. Her voice was back.
Now she could warn the village at the lake The castle was so high up it took her some time to get down Once down she knew it was too late The village had flooded and everybody was gone
She went back to the Magic Mirror And saw her mother reflected once again This time she tried to pull her out But as she did her future self fell back into her.
The Mirror broke and the river reversed When she walked out of the cave She saw everybody celebrating As the lake was back to normal
After the party she suddenly remembered the old man. She went back to the castle to thank him. She searched the entire place but the old man was gone. Only a note, an orange dress and a little bag she found in the garden
The note said: “You have broken my curse And I have returned to my original seed When you are ready, please plant me in the garden Kisses. From the Orange Prince.”
She put on her orange dress And became Princess of the Orange Castle It took her another 210.000 blocks Before she finally planted the seed.