My lnd gives me:
But it seems like it has found the path. My channel at lnd side should have enough funds. At the phoenix side there should be enough capacity for receiving. Maybe some fee limit? I really dont understand those settings.
I am playing with channels in recent days to learn and get deeper inside in to practical stuff around lightening. It's tough. Even after I open channels with quite big public nodes, the routing is not something I'd be happy with... And there still sooo much more to learn.
Does this mean that the route was found but there is some other reason why the payment fails?
/ $ lncli payinvoice lnbc<REDACTED> Payment hash: <REDACTED> Description: Amount (in satoshis): 50000 Fee limit (in satoshis): 2500 Destination: 02<REDACTED> Confirm payment (yes/no): yes +----------------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-----+----------+--------------------+---------------+ | HTLC_STATE | ATTEMPT_TIME | RESOLVE_TIME | RECEIVER_AMT | FEE | TIMELOCK | CHAN_OUT | ROUTE | +----------------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-----+----------+--------------------+---------------+ | CHANNEL_DISABLED @ 1st hop | 0.054 | 22.916 | 50000 | 6 | 817797 | <REDACTED> | ACINQ->02XXXX | | CHANNEL_DISABLED @ 1st hop | 22.950 | 50.794 | 50000 | 6 | 817797 | <REDACTED> | ACINQ->02XXXX | +----------------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+-----+----------+--------------------+---------------+ Amount + fee: 0 + 0 sat Payment hash: <REDACTED> Payment status: FAILED, reason: FAILURE_REASON_NO_ROUTE [lncli] FAILED