No clue, but it's very difficult to find the good intentions...i earnestly try
I often wonder if I'm capable of knowing what good intentions look like for extremely wealthy and powerful people. Their good intentions have so much capital and political influence behind them that even small errors in judgment yield massive casualties.
"good intentions" is highly subjective, and i suspect that those with immense capital and influence are living in such a different reality from 99% of people, that even the best of intentions will have unexpected consequences.
there needs to be a recognition that the obscene wealth gap has created a rift in our collective reality.
will be decades or maybe centuries before the world realizes how utterly twisted incentives are right now. but it's just base reality for us today.
frankly i dont think your intentions can be good with that amount of power. it consumes the human mind, as ancient history and wisdom tirelessly suggests.
Natural check and balances like bitcoin are exactly what tames everyone's ability to assume power over others, ultimately leading to increasingly better decision making for the world over time
of course, we're in the midst of a quite overinflated grasp at power right now. time for the bitcoin humbling...