Hernán Stuchi, a 29-year-old food delivery driver in greater Buenos Aires, grew up as a left-wing activist. During this year’s presidential election in Argentina, he told Vox he would make a starkly different choice, and back Javier Milei, a far-right libertarian trumpeting socially conservative culture war issues and explosive proposals to reshape Argentine society.
Interesting to read how a quite far left source constructs these events, vs the takes that have been bubbling around SN and similar. How should we expect the narrative to evolve?
Isn’t a “far right Libertarian” just an AnCap?
Also, I like how this article states Milei being elected “plunges Argentina into uncertainty” as if 150% percent inflation in 2023 didn’t. Average inflation of over 200% per year since 1980… I’d say things have been uncertain there for a while.
I hope things change for the better!
far-right is basically a dirty word smear used on anyone they don't like now :(
Nice MSM-framing: a libertarian (like anyone who can't identified as a damn commie) is certainly a fascist. I love my media clown world!
I’m politically to the right of A. Oh that’s B for Bitcoin!
"Far right". Kills me. I don't think these morons that write these headlines even know what that means or what a libertarian is.
Vox is one of those groups still firmly trapped in a failed left-right mindset. The left-right spectrum is a terrible way of thinking about politics, and it only leads to demonizing other groups the way Vox is doing right now
They could have just said "libertarian." Adding "far-right" only makes it sound like he is the bad guy. It is like saying he is a "nazi" or like Hitler.
I hate the narrative of the mainstream. Everyone is nazi today, except those people who actually call for murdering of Jews (those are progressive!).
That was the intent. MSM quiver is full of arrows labeled ‘far rightI’, ‘Nazi’, and the ever popular’Hitler’.
i guess, we just have to wait and see
It won’t evolve because the mainstream likes the binary of left and right, pushing people to the “moderate centre”. They don’t recognise that the true useful spectrum is between the statist and individual-focused, which oddly enough is what is considered far right and far left in their mapping
What does far-right libertarian mean anyway? Are all libertarians far-right, or only some of them?
I can write headlines too.
Everyone that disagrees with me is Hitler.
love to hear it lmao
deleted by author
The same people love to hold intersectionality over your head when you just treat them like ordinary people, but to them anyone who doesn't tow the line is a brown shirt. I think we need to double down and just tell them if you have white skin, or like someone with white skin, then you must be a nazi too! Because Milei has about as much in common with Hitler as he does Stalin or Mao.