Currently, address verification through a second channel is probably the only viable option.
As I mentioned, silent payments (or any other payment code scheme) could be very helpful for this. You verify the receivers payment code on your hardware wallet and through a second channel once, then register it with a name on your hardware wallet. Next time you want to send a payment to that person, you just use the payment code that's registered on your hardware wallet. It's a big UX improvement too, because you don't have to ask for a new address every time you make a payment to that person.
The downside as of right now is that those payment schemes have limited liteclient support, so the receiver needs to have a copy of the UTXO set.
Coming back to the browser malware idea. I'm not a programmer, but with help of ChatGPT it took me 30 minutes to modify a Chrome extension to swap the BTC address shown on a HodlHodl contract with my own BTC address using Javascript.
I took this open-source wallet to try this out:
Only a matter of time before someone deploys this attack vector.
wallet = extension