How to make SSL working on localhost for free

How to make SSL working on localhost for free.


This HOW-TO has been succesfully tested on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS with nginx v. 1.18.0 so let's assume you have a similar setup.
Using certificates from real certificate authorities (CAs) for development can be dangerous or impossible (for hosts like localhost or, but self-signed certificates cause trust errors. Managing your own CA is the best solution, but usually involves arcane commands, specialized knowledge and manual steps.
mkcert is a GitHub project maintained by Filippo Valsorda and is a simple tool for making locally-trusted development certificates. It automatically creates and installs a local CA in the system root store and generates locally-trusted certificates.
Remember that mkcert is meant for development purposes, not production, so it should not be used on end users machines, and that you should not export or share rootCA-key.pem.


Make sure you're logged in as a regular user (not as root).
Even you can build it from source, I suggest to download directly the pre-built binary for Linux on your home directory, make it executable and move it to a path like /usr/local/bin while renaming it as "mkcert"
$ wget $ chmod +x mkcert-v1.4.4-linux-amd64 $ sudo mv ./mkcert-v1.4.4-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/mkcert

Generate a local CA

$ mkcert -install Created a new local CA at "/home/YOURUSERNAME/.local/share/mkcert" 💥 The local CA is now installed in the system trust store! ⚡️ The local CA is now installed in the Firefox trust store (requires restart)!🦊
Warning: the rootCA-key.pem file that mkcert automatically generates gives complete power to intercept secure requests from your machine. Do not share it.

Generate a certificate for localhost

$ mkcert localhost Using the local CA at "/home/YOURUSERNAME/.local/.share/mkcert" ✨ Created a new certificate valid for the following names 📜 - "localhost" - "" The certificate is at "./localhost+1.pem" and the key at "./localhost+1-key.pem" ✅
You should be able to generate certificates also for local domains (eg:,, etc.) assuming that you have a DNS on local network able to resolve those names, but this is beyond the scope of this tutorial. You can find more info on the GitHub page of the project.

Configuring nginx

Due that mkcert does not automatically configure servers to use the certificates, let's make some nginx configuration.
$ sudo apt install nginx $ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
Whit your preferred editor, edit the file above as it looks like this (be sure to replace the values to match your setup):
server { listen localhost:443 ssl; listen ssl; ssl_certificate /home/YOURUSERNAME/localhost+1.pem; ssl_certificate_key /home/YOURUSERNAME/localhost+1-key.pem; server_name localhost; access_log /var/log/nginx/localhost.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/localhost.error.log; location / { root /var/www/html/; index index.html; } }

Testing nginx configuration

$ sudo nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

Restarting nginx

$ sudo service nginx restart


Make sure you have an index.html file with some content on /var/wwww/html/ and, if all went good, you can enjoy your secure site at https://localhost/
I'm not trying to knock what you're shared here, because I think there is value in it and I appreciate it being shared.
That being said, I wonder how useful having SSL on localhost actually is? In general, I think security is relaxed when visiting localhost in many contexts. I believe there are many browser features that are available to software either: (a) in secure contexts (HTTPS), or (b) on localhost. This tells me that there was foresight to allow access to inherently powerful features without having to go through the trouble of setting up a certificate for localhost development.
Anyway, just wanted to offer that as a discussion point