How does the USDP work?
So there's "always" someone to take the other side of the trade? In a raging bull market? Or a panicked bear?
Yes, always. Every transaction in history has two sides: a buyer and a seller. If there was noone on the other side, there would be no transaction, whether it's literal bushels of corn, Bitcoin or derivative contracts.
Now, who the other side is varies. If you're trading on an exchange directly, it's other traders like you. If you're trading via a broker, it's your broker (who then relays the order to the exchange).
Now, what price you can get is a different story. Even in extreme markets there are contrarians who have a different view. When LUNA was crashing down last year, guess what, it rebounded 10x within a couple months so whoever was buing at the bottom made a profit off an otherwise dead shitcoin.
Or it could be any number of reasons why someone needs an opposite position to yours right this moment.
The market is comprised of people with widly differing needs, views and time horizons, which is why there's always activity.
Looks similar to blinks "stablesats" & I heard recently another company Atomic Finance that might be similar
Similar, but different: Blink's is custodial, so stablesats are.
Furthermore, if I've understood correctly, Blink doesn't make it easy to switch from sats to usd and vice versa.