This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I keep throwing my sleep cycle for a loop. and i broke my phone. I may need to buy an alarm clock before tuesday.
I'm the only one that find weird that content creator that create Bitcoin content don't have ways to donate?. Neither off or onchain.
Just visited Bitcointv channel and tried to donate, can't find were to do it.
Suggestion: It would be good idea to show jobs that are no longer paying in a separate section with "no longer active" header (or similar) and grayed out. The would hopefully help nudge the right people in the right direction :)
I agree! I was saying this on a call last week.
gm…F1 Monaco is soaked. Should be great racing 👍
Indeed.. I do expect some red flags though ;p
Poor Leclerc…he got the hometown curse.
Throwing out lots of cardboard boxes and packaging today.
I learned from my parents to always keep this stuff for refunds if something breaks etc. But actually I don't need this in my life - I can afford to just buy a 10€ cable if one breaks.
It's such a small thing but it feels like a big step of becoming an adult for me. Mommy Marie Kondo would be proud of me.