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There are two types of growth: invisible growth and visible growth.
Visible growth is wonderful. It's the moment when you achieve a major milestone or all of your hard work pays off. You find a new job, you embark upon a new stage in your life, you complete a major project or launch a product into the world.
But what we have to keep in mind is that this visible growth is only possible because of the invisible growth that preceded it. Invisible growth is where the real change happens. It’s where you identify your values, make important decisions, cultivate habits and self-discipline, practice over and over (and over) again, take risks, and learn from your mistakes.
Without invisible growth, there is no visible growth.
Sometimes, you will go through periods in your life where you won't see any visible growth — and these times can be deeply frustrating. When that happens to you, check in with yourself: are you persisting with your invisible work? If so, stay consistent. The results will all be visible soon, and you'll be so grateful that you persevered.