I wrote a book.
I turned off the TV, phone and other distractions. Sat down with my laptop and just started writing. Hit 1000 words, then 5k, then 20k before I knew it the thing was finished at 70k words.
It's not a masterpiece but fuck, I wrote a book!
amazing things happen with compounded effort, that's incredible!
What do you think helps you keep that creative juice to keep the book moving along?
Good question. I guess it's different for everyone. I had started it and a couple of chapters in I had news that a close friend has passed away. He was a great storyteller, could always tell a tale with great panache. I told myself I will finish the book and dedicate it to him. Everytime I felt lazy or tired I reminded myself of who I was doing it for... It helped a great deal.
Aside from that, the characters and the setting started to come to life in my mind, I wanted to know what happened in the end!! So I needed to finish :-)