Dollarization will prove too difficult in the near term due to lack of dollars and inability to secure international loans. As a stop-gap, Milei will issue an immediate executive order allowing Argentines to deal in any currency they like. The Peso will quickly lose out to USD, Bitcoin and other digital currencies all used along side each other. In the end, Bitcoin kills them all.
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Before dollarizing he needs to liquidate "Las Leliqs", the central bank assets basically. Only after that he can lift the control prices on USD.
He needs to do that before eliminating the central bank. It's a process.
He may make 20% progress until the next person is elected. It'll be a start at least.
It’s happening (12/21/2023)…
“We ratify and confirm that in Argentina contracts can be agreed in Bitcoin. …And also any other crypto and/or species such as kilos of steer or liters of milk…”