Have a friend that run it for a year on brains and had a total kyc free sats of 465,000 running it with original noisy fan at a constant 3,2TH/s on Turbo mode, I think he bought the option 4 because I was there when it arrived, and in 15min we had the machine plugged and hashing.
I did ask my friend how the Apollo journey was going after reading this, and he mentioned he changed pool because the previous one had not constant rewards. He also changed the fan for a generic one without the variable speed, so apparently now the machine is much less noisy, and it's on an average of 700 sats/day at a good 3.1TH/s
465,000 in one year seems like a lot for this machine. That must have been when Braiins has a lot more of the global hash rate.
Did he say which pool he changed to?
I said over a year, and yes, Brains was performing really well for the first 6m. I'll ask which pool is hashing now