Stirring the pot, getting us all riled up.
Not trying to be rude here.
honestly i never thought graphic + fashion design was so taxing. in the last few weeks, i feel fried.
but in the same way writing code, designing architecture is the same.
You think you have a great design and a great plan and architecture but then the more you look at it and everyone has to give their stoopid or not so stoopid opinion and then it looks like a hot mess...
Then i start feeling like fiatjaf and saying things like "if we can't have custodial, we can't have it at all"
And then, for every 1 design that I put out there, there are about 8-9 that are discarded.
it is the same way with writing code.
in code + architecture its like
for every 1 design that makes it out there, there's about 100-1000 ideas that are discarded on the cutting table.....
imagine how frustrating life must be like this, if its like it every day,
a person just gets annoyed and ends up writing sentences like fiatjaf.