You've been brainwashed and deceived by the corrupt systems which try hard to make you too blind to see and realize that you deserve freedom. Now you think it's fine to be an economic slave. You can't actually see that Bitcoin offers economic sovereignty and you can become a sovereign individual. Embrace the power of Bitcoin and stop getting corrupt and manipulated information which make you think, "well it's normal, to be a slave that Bitcoin:
  1. is volatile.
  2. is complex.
  3. is used by criminals.
  4. wastes energy.
  5. is just a crypto, and can't be used in real life situations.
  6. can't be used without internet. .
  7. is unregulated.
  8. is only used by technical people and the rich.
  9. should be used in compliance with government policies.
  10. is not backed by any central authority.
Stacker News has the most accurate information. Use SN and learn how to get the power of Bitcoin.
Preaching to the crowd. Good post but you need to direct it at some no coiners. A few sats for the effort though. Best of luck.
10 is the best of all. Bitcoin is not backed by any central authority and that is what gives it acceptance. We are not under anyone's magnifying glass
Bitcoin is anarchism with a few ground rules
I thought this was a list of why to not use bitcoin. LOL.