The last chapter in the book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" talks about this. The last 2 chapters of that book get a little conspiratorial and hypothetical.
But the book really caused me to think different about this subject. I spent a few years in my 20's diving deep into UFO research. The amount of evidence is huge, even though it's all anecdotal. I was convinced that NHI were here and have been here for centuries.
But Edward Griffin's book has me questioning everything about it. We're talking about the world's wealthiest elite.... the absolute top of the Cantillionaire class. They might have the resources to pull off a massive, multi-decade hoax of this size, including staged abductions, and advanced arial trickeries.
My attempt to unpack the available evidence didn't quite lead me to the same conclusion, but you're right about the amount of pretty credible evidence being really large.
I have a relative who's a pilot and has some anecdotes that add to my sense that a lot of the reports could pretty easily be people's perceptions not being reliable in highly unusual circumstances. Coupled with experimental aircraft and intentional psyops, there might not be anything else to see here.
I saw someone post about how the death rate of test flight pilots plummeted at the same time as UFO crashes started being reported. Big if true, as they say.