~ reposted from twitter, all credit to @danieleripoll ~
The cult-classic movie The Matrix metaphorically describes the fiat monetary system in a scary accurate way. In the movie, AI robots create a mirage for the entire human species in order to absorb all of their life energy. In this world, humans lived a lie while their life energy was drained, unbeknownst to them, for the benefit of the machines. Humans were reduced to batteries.
Is the fiat system not EXACTLY like this?
Replace AI with “bankers” or the “political class” and it’s the same thing. The mirage is that we are sold the American Dream. We take out loans for school, we take on mortgages, we spend on our credit cards in a never ending debt cycle just to try to get ahead. But rather than allow the citizens to benefit from the productivity gains of technology and to save and build wealth over time, they deny us that ability by over taxing us, over regulating us, and debasing the currency.
When J Powell was asked why 2% inflation, the Fed’s target, was even necessary, he couldn’t answer the question. He literally said “I don’t know” in front of a senate committee.
I’ll tell you what J Powell won’t. The inflation is there to make sure you can’t get off the hamster wheel. The more you have to work, the more taxes you’ll generate for Uncle Sam. They want to make sure that they milk you for every ounce of your life’s energy through overt taxes like income, sales and property taxes, plus the hidden tax of inflation. Like a battery.
In the movie, Morpheus had always been looking for “the one”. He sought the person who could beat the machines and liberate humanity by unplugging every single human being from the Matrix. I think people are ready. They sense a disturbance in the Matrix. Most cannot articulate the reason for the problems they face, but they know that something is wrong with the money.
In the movie, if humans were made aware of their plight, many would have simply “opted out” of the Matrix by unplugging. If enough people unplugged, the robots would have no energy source. They would cease to exist. Similarly, if humans opted out of the fiat financial system, it too, would cease to exist.
Bitcoin is “the one” technology that can unplug humanity from the fiat money matrix. Maybe economist Friedrich Hayek was actually Morpheus, because he prophesied the invention of Bitcoin long before anyone ever heard of Satoshi. 👇
“I don’t believe we shall ever have good money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government…all we can do is by some sly, roundabout way introduce something that they can’t stop.” - F. Hayek (aka Morpheus) on Bitcoin.
Well, check the second movie and we will talk again...