Good night, hope all is well I am just writing to get my thoughts out on my excitement for the future.
One of the things I think about when I find my self wishing I bought sooner is something a long the lines of what Max Keiser said “You get bitcoin at the price you deserve” I wasn’t ready then and was ready when I bought.
I find Bitcoin as such an attractive option simply because it gets me excited to save and use. Saving sats and stepping into the future fills me with so much more joy than the typical old way. I think of it as an opportunity to learn today for the future of family friends and other. I understand for the most part the more technical aspects however that’s not what attracts me it’s the feeling that information and technology invokes that makes me want to continue forward.
When I see bitcoin my mind instantly goes 100 years in the future. Bitcoin is the way.
For anyone who has been in this since the beginning has your excitement in bitcoin ever tapered off or been morphed into the excitement for the $ amount vs what bitcoin is?
Bitcoin shined a very bright light on how the world works for me. It helped me to see through all the bullshit that's happening due to fiat money. It basically awakened me. I am constantly amazed and blown away everyday by how powerful this new monetary technology is.