Brett Scott is a really interesting thinker in the money space.
Today, we know that physics and atmospheric pressures produced those storms. So, in the realm of weather, we’ve moved to systemic thinking, where bad things don’t need to be explained with reference to bad actors. When it comes to descriptions of politics and economics, the progress is not so unequivocal. Do bad things like climate change, conflict and corporate greed happen because powerful politicians and CEOs construct it like that, or do they emerge in the vacuum of human agency, in the fact that nobody’s actually in control? This is a question that confronts me in the campaign to protect the physical cash system against the digital takeover by Big Finance and Big Tech.
Lots of thoughtful riffs on what money is beyond the usual narratives you've probably encountered. I find him to give valuable perspective.
I really appreciate this take. Many things in life are the outcome of complex systems - he makes some excellent points here and his conclusion is basically the midwit meme on CBDCs.
It's unfortunate that so much of public discourse gets boiled down to the grug vs midwit debate and can be quickly dismissed without appreciating the nuanced argument. The left vs right political identities really do us a disservice here.
You might enjoy some of his other writing -- speaking as someone who has spent a grotesque amount of time thinking about this space from weird perspectives, it's remarkable to me how he reliably frames things in a way I hadn't thought about before. Much alpha, if your goal is to understand the world.
Here's a recent example that I liked.
Appreciate your perspective on the complexities of cashless systems and public discourse Thanks for the example!
Advantages of going cashless
Convenience: Digital transactions can be quicker and more convenient than handling physical cash. Financial inclusion: It can help bring more people into the formal financial system, especially in regions where access to traditional banking services is limited.
Reduced crime: A cashless economy can potentially reduce certain types of crime, such as theft and counterfeiting.
M, Saylor define Money(Bitcoin) as energy