I am in the camp of who believe that an economic collapse would be a net negative for Bitcoin but still believe that Bitcoin can survive in the end of it because it's just information, math and code, plus it's very easy to restart it from scratch. But giving the current pace of Bitcoin adoption I think it would be better for Bitcoiners if a collapse didn't happen, this is not say that we can help stop it but we should help others migrate to Bitcoin before it happens. I felt compelled to start a youtube channell and a blog piecover.com to teach Bitcoin for free eventhough I am not a good writer but in the hope of some people may find my unique style of writing digestable enough to learn about Bitcoin, I believe everybody can do something to help others cross the bridge and I even think it's a moral imperative to do so if you already understand the importance of Bitcoin and the dannger of a fiat collapse. You may not want to write or make stupid youtube videos but you can share some very usefull and digestible Bitcoin contents from other heroes like Robert Breedlove, ofcourse you will receive some rejections at first but in the end it worth saving a friend/family/co-worker.
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Perfect thank you!
I agree with @FartOnMyBalls.
However, I would like to point out how utterly unlikely an economic collapse like that is. They basically don't happen. You're talking about Small Pox wiping out the Americas level events. What we tend to call collapses are actually not even 10% reductions in the average standard of living and that's what we're most likely facing now.