Yes I have. And society functions much more cohesively than in the US. In Europe, people aren't dying from curable diseases or because they can't afford their prescriptions. In Europe, people aren't stuck working for wages that still put them under the federal poverty level working 40 hours a week because the Republicans fail to do anything to raise the minimum wage so it can catch up with the inflation rate. (It would need to be $34/hour btw if we look at the rate of inflation since a minimum wage law was implemented.) In Europe, they have high speed rail systems between countries and much better infrastructure and interstates. In Europe, the prison populations aren't full of people that sold some weed and aren't full of minorities put away simply for being a minority. In Europe, the leading.cause of death for people under 18 IS NOT GUN VIOLENCE. NEED ME TO CONTINUE?!
Oh boy, may I ask You: are You german? You clearly never have been south of Switzerland. What You are describing is a fantasy land that doesn't exist. Start collecting data on (relative and adjusted) purchasing power in Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. After that we talk again. But You are german, aren't You?