Asking genuinely out of curiosity, how do you see bitcoin's future? what's it here for in your eyes? I know it's easy for myself and other bitcoiners to tune out of politics (for good reason still imo) but i am interested how bitcoin can attract such a variety of worldviews
I make significant money via arbitrage trading cryptocurrencies and I enjoy the complete anonymity of gambling online via Bitcoin with lightning and sometimes other crypto's. I also enjoy that i get my withdrawal virtually instantly via crypto instead of having to wait sometimes 24 hours if I withdrew off a fiat casino. Sometimes longer actually.
However, I also do believe that cryptocurrency of some sort is the future of payment for goods and services worldwide and i have used lightning a couple times to pay in store for items, so theres that.
I just am a realist and I can see flaws and point them out in everything, and there are flaws in Bitcoin that need to be addressed that unfortunately the Maxi's can't grasp. It saddens me because I truly do believe Bitcoin would be the currency of the future if the issues were addressed.
I think the disconnect here with other bitcoiners is in our perspectives on "how society functions"
Most here (on SN at least) are viewing of society in terms of what it could become rather than what it is now (where you seem to be coming from). Many here I think would ascribe to the belief that technology can better dictate the people's interactions and relationships long term than governments can. Again, just a fundamental difference in perspective. Maybe I am assuming too much, apologies if so.
I'd say we're more alike than you think though. We both would consider ourselves realists and can see and call out flaws. Bitcoin has plenty of problems to address -- that are being addressed every hour of the day -- but if we are alike, let's look at the current monetary system. It has a literal infinite number of more problems (and currency units) to address.
The left nor the right nor anyone nor any policy "within" the system will solve it. It needs a replacement.
I understand that we can't just ignore the way things work now. The realist in me is thus much more at odds with government policy that never seems to work, and only seems to makes things worse with time. I'm much more critical of that than of bitcoin's problems, because bitcoin works basically flawlessly regardless of them.
Let's think beyond taxes. It's how we fund roads today. But maybe not tomorrow. Humanity is much cooler and more capable than that..