More baseless assumptions about what I believe instead of just asking.
Here's the message you need to internalize, but I don't think you will be able to hear it:
  • You have been brainwashed since birth with relentless propaganda to worship the state.
  • You have been brainwashed with relentless propaganda to hate everyone who doesn't share your views.
  • You have been conditioned to immediately dismiss and demonize unapproved opinions.
I am sorry this has happened to you. It's not your fault.
I know this type of politized people from 25 years of worki in the german media. What You learn is: any minute of discussion is a loss of time. They are the majority... so they ''feel'' they're right.
Yeah. I know plenty of people like this too. Somehow, they seem to believe that no one's ever heard the Democrats talking points before, despite those being the approved views relentlessly broadcast throughout society.
In person, on occasion, I've been able to have decent conversations that break them out of the cultish partisan lens. I don't think it works online, but I also don't like just writing people off as a lost cause.
All that said, I'm not interested in engaging in a tedious conversation with this guy. He's let his character show through pretty clearly. Maybe someday he'll wake up.
You're projecting again. You're the one that let your character show first by insulting me and saying I was a cult member in your initial post. You're a narcissist, clearly, which doesn't shock me one bit. Sorry that you believe caring for your fellow human beings and showing love and helping those less fortunate than yourself are terrible qualities for a person to possess. You want anarchy? I heard that works fucking great in some African countries. Maybe a move is in your future?
Don't get angry about politics. That's exactly what is intended. There will always be the next Commie!
I am not the brainwashed one here. You're projecting. I don't listen to nor do I watch any propaganda networks. Sorry that you feel believing the facts, science and statistical data which don't lie and don't have an agenda makes me brainwashed. But let me guess, you probably love Trump and watch Steve Bannon's podcast, right? 🤣🤣🤣
And I don't immediately dismiss someone's opinion and beliefs unless it infringes on the rights and safety of another human being. Believing an anarchist society is the best option does the above listed things. So yes, I am going to immediately dismiss it because it is not feasible to have anarchy without taking away someone's human rights and right to live safely.
I can sit down with anti Trump Republicans and have a policy discussion for hours without issue. Without name callling and insults. However, there are certain things that just aren't negotiable like attempting to make policy based on the bible or any religous text/beliefs. By doing that, you're attempting to take away human rights from many marginalized communities and you're also being hypocritical as the bible and christ spoke thoroughly of free will.