To summarise it and to simplify it, miners compete between each other to solve a mathematical puzzle (the first one who does wins a block (6.25 BTC + fees) and this could happen in 1 minute or much longer.
Governance mechanism: The target for increase/decrease difficulty (to mine a block) is 10 minutes... so every 2016 blocks (~2 weeks) if the average is more than 10 minutes (hard to mine) then the difficulty decreases , if its less than 10 minutes (easy to mine) then it increases
hope that helps
Thanks. So the difficulty had to be incredible high even if we are at a rate of ATH hashrate.
Mathematics are amazing in the terms that the algorithm can add inifinity difficulty if hashrate continue rising.
LOL yup .... same applies to miners (i work in the space) so their prices changes literally every day and sometimes within hours