Andreas is the person who started my journey of learning about Bitcoin, and I'm sure that's true for a lot of other people here too.
So what's your favourite talk of his? Mine would be 'The Monument of Immutability'. He does a great job of explaining the importance of proof of work and Bitcoin's uniqueness.
All the Fiat Ships are Sinking. This is pure gold.
The talk he gave on "sousveillance" that was captured in written form in "The Internet of Money":
"“One of my favorite words is a French word: sousveillance. It is the opposite of surveillance. Surveillance means to look from above; sousveillance means to look from below. In their dream of nation-states controlling all of our financial futures, they made one major miscalculation. It’s a hell of a lot harder for a few hundred thousand people to watch 7 1/2 billion. But what do you think happens when 7 1/2 billion of us stare back? When the panopticon turns around? When our financial systems, our communication systems, are private, and secrecy is an illusion that can’t be sustained? When crimes committed in the names of states and powerful corporations are vulnerable to hackers and whistleblowers and leakers? When everything eventually comes out? We have a great advantage because the natural balance of the system is one in which individuals can have privacy but the powerful cannot have secrecy anymore.”
Texas Bitcoin Conference in 2014
Best quote from this speech regarding question if Andreas is worried a nation state could take over Bitcoin.
“then we kick those bastards off the network and rework the protocol around them, they will have accomplished nothing”
is he still creating content?
Haven't seen that one yet. I remember I saw back in 2014 a hearing with the senate of Canada, it was great. Back then I thought that guy was THE reference for bitcoin and Canada was a beam of hope for liberty. But a few years later a couple of things changed, the former was pretty supportive of etherium and the latter went full 1984 with the truckers. I don't understand none of those positions, what's the benefit?