actually I think but with sats can be a better idea than "prediction market", as it's a bit too board, see how I need to ask you how it works 🧐 but then they are actually about the same, but gofuckingdoit focus on helping people to get shit done otherwise lose sats, way easier to understand this way.
but let's see after your announcement ⚡️
101 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Dec 2023
actually I think but with sats can be a better idea than "prediction market", as it's a bit too board, see how I need to ask you how it works 🧐
yeah, prediction markets are not easy to understand initially but I think once you see how it works, you'll start seeing "simplified" prediction markets everywhere, lol
if you have time and desire, i really like this video about prediction markets. explains the basic principles and caveats very well :)
will watch! and waiting ⏳