deleted by author
SN is literally the best place to start a personal blog, cannot wait for more creators to come to this realization. There has never been a lower-friction place to share ideas and get feedback so seamlessly.
Love to see that you've come to feel the same way about it. Thank you for sharing! Very creative use of YouTube also :)
@k00b you probably dont need the reminder but thank you and everyone working on SN, it represents a movement much larger than just a bitcoin forum!
Couldn't have put it better myself. Really enjoy your posts @Onions so just wanted to say looking forward to it and also... thanks shallot
I quite like @Onions's toxic posts ⚡️🫡
Glad you're trying this here. The TAM of Wordpress is a market that SN can eat.
Okay, maybe not all of it. But blogs, the way blogs used to be; plus a bunch of substack + Medium.
I chose to be here instead of Nostr because I wanted the option to eventually wipe everything away.
Willing to let go of everything is so freeing, and powerful.
you reached at least one person who needed to hear this, ty
What you wrote reminds of these:
"Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional." - Haruki Murakami "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela
I was diagnosed with depression a few years ago, I barely had any friends at all, I just wanted to be gone. I learned empathy (very important, I only focused on myself or only used "others" to make point in an argument), I learned how to listen to others and respect their opinions, it changed me completely, I was able to love myself and, recently, love someone else.
Although I wouldn't consider SN or any other similar platform to create a blog, due to all of it being also archived, even if deleted by you, but also because sometimes we would be sharing very specific details of our life, I can't imagine the crumbs we're leaving behind.
Nevertheless, thank you for your post!
Well said. Another layer of the onion revealed.
right in the feels, cheers
Glad I read this today! Much love.
Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts. This reminds me of the first noble truth of the Buddha: suffering is inherent to life but also the path to wisdom and liberation.
I had never considered using SN as a place for personal blogging. Maybe I'll cross-post my next article here to see how it feels. WIP is Nostr-relevant, but doesn't focus on it explicitly.
That's why I like rougelikes. Without epic fail there can't be epic win.
Following what you are sharing :
I seem to recall Jimmy Song doing a piece about pain fairly recently, which was treated with some incredulity, and even derision on here.
Note: I've decided to use as my own personal blog, where I share my thoughts, even if they're not related to Bitcoin.
Jesus fucking Christ 🤦
Mr. anon, what's up?
are you @nemo by any chance???? no shitcoins in this comment of course......