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Hi stackers, I would like to know if you suggest me any sports betting platform using Lightning, thanks!
I had VC funding and a few developers I would create one haha
Doesn't exist.
Really? Wow I can't believe, it's funny, but building it would be a safe bet 😅
You can use https://freebitco.in/?op=home# for some sports betting in sats but they have not enabled lightning. @ekzyis is working on a prediction market using sats.
80 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Dec 2023
@ekzyis is working on a prediction market using sats.
but regarding the sports betting ... i haven't looked much into sports betting so pardon my ignorance. iirc with sports betting, the market usually gives you odds and then you just have to take these odds if you want to bet on a team, right?
assuming this is right: do you think trading in a simple prediction market like "will team X win this weekend?" would already be something that is somewhat similar to sports betting? obviously, my market won't be as liquid but if liquidity is the only problem, we're on a good path :)
“Will team X win” would be similar to moneyline bets. Much less complicated than regular sports betting (shits fucking crazy) but if implemented similarly to other prediction markets it would definitely have its place.
They don't support lightning.
For onchain Bitcoin there is nitrobetting.eu.
Not familiar with that site but I will check it out.
I've done a few bets, got paid out whenever i won. Seems legit up to now.
Please try out Triible and let us know what you think :)
Any news in view of the upcoming UEFA Euro 2024? :)
This has come up before and I’ve shared the same. Not personally vouching for BetPlay.io, but they do take lightning deposits and withdrawals. They could rug everyone at any point, so deposit, bet, withdraw. Then the max amount rugged would be no different than losing the bet. The site also appears to work as a progressive web app.
Give it time, a lot with spring out
Ladbrokes would be good