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I’m in Japan, where parents routinely indulge in hot dips with their children.
But not even the prospect of relaxing in the bathtub is enticing enough for my four-year-old to take a shower. My mother-in-law bought many bath balls so that my son would find the shower experience more exciting. Look at his collection.
We ran out of bath balls, so I bought a dinosaur one when I was out shopping yesterday. Luckily, I did so because he was exhausted from not having taken an afternoon nap. Not even his mother could get him to walk to the bathroom. She was dragging him by his arms, with him surrendering himself to gravity. That was when I passed him the dinosaur ball.
Immediately, his eyes lit up, and he dashed to the bathroom. I was rather amused and his sudden enthusiasm reminded me of the fact that people respond positively to incentives. Drawing a link to stacking sats, I am wondering if you have always been super motivated in selling fiat to buy BTC. Were there any periods in your journey when you didn’t feel like stacking sats? If so, how did you motivate yourself then? What was your incentive aka carrot you dangled for yourself?
Well, I'm low income and I use my sats stacking methods to try and earn some extra money. Even a dollar or two a day helps, it all adds up.
Ya I agree. Consistency is key, and every little bit helps. What are your go-to stacking methods?