Which one of you wrote this Perl Advent Calendar and published on YCombinator? Well done. Was entertaining and a fun read.
Santa tackles Bitcoin, part one https://perladvent.org/2023/2023-12-02.html
So he searched the Web for the term, but most of what he got were rubbish price speculation articles. The Bitcoin wiki was of some help, but it was partially outdated. The Bitcoin Improvement Proposal documents were good, but a bit too specific for his level. So maybe books? He read Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos, which gave him a nice insight into the technical side of Bitcoin. He pressed ahead with The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous, which provided all the economic details he needed.
Santa tackles Bitcoin, part two https://perladvent.org/2023/2023-12-03.html
He quickly came up with a plan: the private keys will probably be printed on lovely decorated Christmas gift cards. All he had to do is provide printable representations of the private keys and the other elves can do all the printing. McJingles decided it will for now be enough to print all the keys as those Wallet Import Format (WIF) things he had used before to get access to the initial 50 BTC. The standard output of the script can be redirected to a file with no additional effort.
Note: Scarce Sats Save Ships. Testnet and Signet are where we test and play games with mnemonics.