So! Hello! I'm back online.
As a certified Muscovite bitcoiner :) my proposal is this ::: In my opiniom Your friend needs to open an account in commex -- -- ((commex is the replacement of binance Russia as binance Russia sold their business to this new exchange))... There are nuances on how you pass through the KYC remotely but I'm assuming that your friend can do the kyc in the name of the elder person they are trying to help by getting their passport and a letter from the bank that shows the address of the elder person in question... Then your friend can upload the files them him/herself and take are of the thechical details from then onwards. Once your friend has access remotely to a commex account they can sell btc P2P and put as the recipient bank the account of the family member they are trying to help... And Voila! This will make the p2p transfer for fiat to arrive to the elder person in question.
I would happily connect via google meet with you to explain my thoughts, but if you rather keeping it in text / anonymous, I respect that of course.
Feel free to contact me here or via nostr if you want more help. I'm convinced as a person who is here on the ground that the option I present above is the only viable.
No merchant will take lightning payments OE BTC and the only way to help is via p2p sales that arrive to the fiat account of the elder person
I would love to meet via Google meet or otherwise !!
Hello! Sorry I just read this! somehow i missed this message! Are you on Nostr?