Interesting article. I don't know as much about code review, but in my work as an academic I know how hard it is to manage a good review process. Review requires the same level of expertise as creating, but it's much less rewarded. At private companies, the cost and benefits of review are internalized, but for academic research and open source software, it isn't.
This was a great article -- the underbelly of btc dev. Very interesting.
Two things come to mind:
  1. If your fortune and legacy was dependent on the health of btc, is there a way you could contribute to this vital non-sexy work that nobody wants to do?
  2. In the same way that @niftynei and others work to prepare people to contribute to btc, would it be a different thing to prepare people to review?
Obviously the ideal reviewer is someone w/ deep familiarity with the codebase, etc. But those people are, necessarily, in limited supply. Hmm.