There are many physical wallets on the market for Bitcoin, but what if you could build your own ?
You can already do it by combining open-source software and RISC-V chips. This is possible with the M5 Stick V device. Or with the Maix Amigo. It is also possible to buy just the chip to put on your PCB.

Do these projects use RISC V?
No (although they all have software written Python, likely could work with RISC-V boards under Linux too).
My comment was answer to "what if you could build your own ?". It's possible already, without RISC-V, which is just a different CPU arch.
P.S. I plan to experiment with running Bitcoin node on RISC-V one day, so far haven't found any boards I like. Running nodes on different archs is more important than air gapped devices, where priorities should be security and cost, CPU arch is not so important.