How can we as bitcoiners help you guys more? Besides using your services an awful lot?
Definitely this :)
Do you want more eyes on your code, job applications, research, testing? If someone’s building a novel wallet or app, should they reach out and share use cases?
Very good question. We currently don't have any job applications open, we are a small team and entirely bootstrapped so hiring someone full-time is not a small commitment for us so usually the candidates actually find us, code with us for quite some time (we are doing bounties) and this then happens naturally when there is a fit. Will probably change as we grow.
We indeed would need loads of help with testing. E.g. we are working on a new cli-based client that completely automates swaps and we'd love to get some more beta testers. If you are interested join reach out to me, Kilian, best via our Discord:
We also welcome help to connect with projects where our swaps can be useful as native integration: mobile wallets, merchant POSes swapping to cold storage, dca stacking or channel rebalancing tools - many applications and some we probably don't even think about yet