What would you say is the thing that played a bigger role in being integrated with many non-custodial LN wallets such as Breez and Phonex?
Would have loved to integrate with Phoenix, we actually talked to the team but they don't want 3rd party dependencies ("if Boltz goes down, part of the app stops working") which we totally understand. Phoenix is shooting for a very polished UX.
Was it the FOSS nature of the service? How easy it's to use? A combination of both and other things?
I think it's simply that we are the only production-grade non-custodial swap service that there is and additionally is not married to one specific lightning implementation and that has an open API.
What would you say is the hardest part of managing a service like this one?
In our case it's prbly the fact that we are a very small team and bootstrapped. We are proud of this fact but it doesn't make it easier and all of us need to "wear a lot of hats".