Very excited to see how many lurkers come out the woodworks to share stuff now that we have more subs to dive into!
Much love to all lurker stackers
I want to be a lurker but I don't have anything to share. 😢
ser i am confused, are you saying you dont want to be a lurker but feel like you have nothing to share? Or saying that you want to be a lurker? Lurkers by my definition dont post but read in the shadows, i would not classify you as that!
I find myself being a lurker outside of the saloon. I tend to comment only when I can add value. If I can't add value then I lurk and zap if the content is high in quality. Sorry for the confusion.
I dig your territory.
(Sounds like a pickup line, doesn't it?)
thank u elvis ;) got me crushin on u with that line