I use the case of CalleBTC which is a Bitcoiner I really like as an example! What do you think about this?
I think that pools / miners create a relationship and then whatever that relationship prioduce is absolute fair game.
What I mean is this... the day I will be mining solo, Ill be mining in OCEAN cuz I consider ordinals an attack. If the majority of the Hashrate goes to OCEAN or pools like that one, then it means that the market has spoken and that ordinals have no space in the protocol.
I personally dont see this as senshorship, but rather market forces in operation.
What kind of Bitcoin do we want? That's the fundamental question, and everyone has a different answer. Let's present facts about the existing types of Bitcoin based on these facts. We can then present these cases to the wider node operators of Bitcoin, and the network can choose the node software accordingly.
Personally, I want Bitcoin to focus solely on the use case of wealth storage.
  • Ordinals price out many who want the store of wealth case by driving up the transaction costs, rendering many UTXOs unfeasible. Pending technological mitigations, if possible.
  • Ordinals exploit a bug to bypass a restriction that the developers attempted to institute. (Perhaps one can argue that bugs are part of the consensus.)
  • We can't halt the use case while the bug exists.
I prefer that we discontinue the data storage use case. As a coder, I believe software is ideal when it exists in parts that each excel at one thing. BTC is currently the best wealth storage use case we have. I believe ordinals are opposed to that. Other components can focus on different use cases. For example, Lightning facilitates the transferability use case for Bitcoin. Liquid does the same, with the added benefit of amount confidentiality. Cashu enhances the use case of privacy, and so on. Many other 'parts' aim to address specific use cases.
Ideally, I'd like the ordinal proponents to create their own BTC-pegged side chain, similar to Liquid, and optimize it for the data storage use case. Meanwhile, we could block this use case on Bitcoin.
Disingenuous rhetoric, very manipulative and misleading.
Ideological products thrive outside of bitcoin so they will inside of bitcoin too.
While this is technically censorship, it's not the type of censorship we usually care a lot about.
There is a...touch of irony in it all
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People are so indoctrinated against "censorship" that this reflex can effectively be used as an attack against Bitcoin.
Bitcoin already "censors" certains tx, because of its existing rules. It "censors" double spends or tx that are too big or that create too many new btc. If the majority of node runners decide to change those rules or to not relay those tx, they will no longer be considered valid tx.
Do you or your email client apply any spam filtering on your email inbox? Do you consider that censorship as well? Or do you consider it keeping your inbox clean and usable?
This attack is pushing small users from the network and therefore hurting the early adoption of Bitcoin as money.
Yes and a million times yes to this comment!
Blah blah blah blah blah.............
I think bitcoin is free to use, so if a pool what to exclude some transactions, they are free to do it, if me as a individual miner, want to join that pool, I'm free to do it. If me as a small miner want to keep getting the extra money from ordinals inscriptions, I'm also free to do it. So there is no Sensorship anywhere. Just use bitcoin what ever is the best way for you to use it.
I think he’s missing the point that what constitutes a valid tx could change if free market consensus chooses to omit the loophole in including extra data. Imo this doesnt seem that fickle and isnt something that would need to happen again but i could be wrong
Regarding Ordinals, I think the free market will eventually wash it out on the basis that on-chain should be clean and simple. Shitcoins forked, and Lightning did this on a different layer - The wizards could've done this too and proposed their use-case that way and chose not to by leveraging inscriptions.
Just unfortunate that Samourai's Whirlpool was caught in the middle. I'm interested to see how things develop - Will Samourai change their implementation? Will Ocean change the way they filter OP_RETURN?
At the end of the day, if all goes to plan, Ocean will let miners construct their own blocks and so users will get to choose.
I think businesses are free to leave potential profit on the table, if taking those profits would not align with the ethical mission of the business.
That being said, I would not join such a pool.
There will always be someone who will pick up what others discarded, such is the beaty of decentralization.
Lol let the fees decide, makes for an interesting environment, if certain miners don't want to deal with ordinals, getting into their block is where the avg bitcoiner will wanna be, to pay less fees, while the ordinals bros will pay their premium and those miners will sort them, I don't see how this affects much apart from transaction ordering from time to time