I really have no dog in this fight but I if like @supertestnet says there is a bug (and this is the first time I'm seeing anyone say its a bug) then someone is exploiting it. An exploit has nothing to do with funds or even remote code execution. It can be that but it also can just be a bug in software that someone is able to exploit to a do something that wasn't intended.
The question is, is this a bug. Not is this an exploit. If it is a bug, then it is an exploit of the bug.
What's being illustrated here is that even the term "bug" is a matter of sociological convention. Bug with respect to whose intentions? is the question.
From Luke's perspective, it's a bug. From other points of view, it isn't. From a legal point of view, In the USA, corporations have many of the same rights as people. Is that a bug? Depends on who you ask.