Yes, if you look historically: In 1968 an oz of Gold was $35 and barrel of oil was $3. Therefore one oz bought you ~12 barrels of oil
Today 1 oz of Gold buys you ~30 barrels of oil - and largely this is a reflection of natural increase of technological efficiencies.
Think about that for a 1968 you could've invested that $35 in a stock and perhaps even had better returns by now....or you could've just done nothing and put that gold coin in your sock drawer gotten >2 more oil now.
The single worst thing you could've done is to keep that $35 USD in a sock drawer as that would now only get you 1/2 barrel of oil (a 96% collapse).
(NOTE: Yes Gold is a relic. Yes its heavily manipulated. However it functions well enough as a deflationary asset to at least make this point)