This is not talked about enough (even by loud carnivore proponents like myself)
It's practically impossible to be overweight when you're eating a proper human diet of only meat, because:
a) Your body's hunger signals become sharp as a tack; you actually feel full when you're supposed to (and thus stop eating naturally) vs. when you eat carbs, and your brain hits you with cravings even when your stomach is full
b) Removal of carbs puts you in Ketosis, i.e. your body transitions to burning bodyfat stores for energy. This does not happen when you're confusing it with carbs
As a personal anecdote, I've been less physically active in the last year than any other in my life, as I've been obsessively focused on building my online business. My average day consists of ~16hrs of grinding on my laptop, with very few breaks, gym maybe once every 1-2 weeks. (Certainly not encouraging this type of lifestyle; it's just where I'm temporarily at given timing & life priorities)
Despite being less active than at any other point in my life, my bodyfat percentage has DROPPED vs. gym-heavy years prior, and my (modest) muscle mass refuses to go away, despite my only getting a solid workout in roughly once every 1-2 weeks.
This would be UNHEARD OF back when I was devouring fruit bowls, wHoLe gRaiNs, and spinach salads daily. All of those carbs + sugars equalled inevitable belly growth and puffiness across my body, particularly if I didn't exercise like a madman to offset it.
Now, I don't have to worry about this at all. As long as I keep the carnivore variable strict, it's effectively impossible not only to get fat, but to gain any weight at all outside of my normal lean range.
Dr. Anthony Chaffee talks about this often. Dude is insanely busy between his work as a practicing doctor, traveling the world to speak at conferences and building his podcast, and is thus only able to hit the gym around once a month. Despite this, he maintains a .01% physique effortlessly since he remains religiously-strict on the proper human diet.
The example that sticks with me is lions at the zoo. These animals are clearly capped in their physical activity, especially compared to their wild family members sprinting all over the Sahara Desert to stay alive. They basically sit there and get tossed slabs of meat by zookeepers all day every day, maybe walking around a little bit in between naps, but nothing more.
But even with this extreme handicap in physical activity...they STILL remain lean and muscular. You will never see a fat lion.
This is why I constantly beat the drum of the importance of exercise being overrated, and the importance of diet being underrated.
When you eat a perfect diet, you can break a lot of other rules (namely regular physical activity) and still maintain a relatively healthy baseline. This is NOT the case for exercise. As the old moniker goes: "You can't outrun a bad diet."
TLDR: When you stay true to the proper human diet (carnivore), becoming unhealthily overweight becomes practically impossible. Whether you are very active, very sedentary, or anywhere in between, the carnivore diet should be the foundation of your health plan if you wish to look and feel your most optimal 💪🥩
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Only only meat? No olive oil, eggs, greens, milk, fruits and some vegatables? Hmmmmmmm
Sounds insane at me I know...
But here's the awesome thing:
Once you complete your transition from carbs to fat as fuel, it completely resets your cravings!
I used to really miss my sugary pineapple and crunchy cucumbers. There were staples of my meals before I tried this diet.
Now, I don't crave them nearly as much any more, because my body gets all the nutrients it needs from meat!
I bet that most carnivores don't actually care about the diet. You're just contrarians and want to be provocative. If vegans stopped being enraged by your provocations then you'd be bored out of carnivore stuff too.
Anyway, do whatever you want. I will continue to enjoy life and eat both meat and plants. Have fun with it tho.
Are bitcoiners just contrarians/provocateurs, and would get bored if fiat died?
Are Stacker News users just contrarians/provocateurs, and would get bored if Reddit died?
Of course not. Being passionate and dedicated to clearly superior options is a feature, not a bug, of communities.
Personally, I feel the best I've ever felt in my life after 3 months on the carnivore diet. Focus has improved, sleep has improved, and asthma has gone away.
Have you ever considered giving it a try to see how it affects you? I'd be more than happy to help answer questions if you ever become curious about it :)
What's your next favorite carnivore podcaster, after Plant Free MD? I've been really enjoying Plant Free MD, btw.
Dr. Shawn Baker has agreat one! Also Carnivore Conversations with Dr. Robert Kiltz.
I've been more deep in YouTube channels recently than podcasts, if you find any other good pods let me know!