Tool such an interesting band. And their die hard fans will tell you all about it, trust me. Tool fans are insane. But why? What's the big deal? How did they knock Taylor Swift off the charts with an album with 15 minute long exhausting songs. Personally I am a big fan. but I get why others are not. Their music requires tons of patience. You literally might have to wait 15 years to get new music from them. They make strange music that requires a ton of work just to absorb. How do they maintain fans in this day in age? Are they really something special or over-rated?
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The band is great. Truly original. You can recognize their sound immediately. I think the key is their drummer and the sophisticated syncopation and dynamic time signatures they use. Songs weave their parts together and build to crescendos that somehow resonate and evoke feelings. I never get tired of it.
good band
Lol no. Creed.