In a groundbreaking educational initiative, Andrew Rolfe, an esteemed authority from Fortinet, recently visited Boneo Primary School to deliver a comprehensive lesson on network fundamentals and cybersecurity to students in years 4-6. This collaboration aimed to empower young minds with crucial skills in an increasingly digital world. Rolfe, widely recognized for his cybersecurity expertise, engaged the students with interactive sessions that unraveled the intricacies of computer networks. Using relatable examples and real-world scenarios, he demystified complex topics like IP addressing, Wi-Fi functionality, VLANs, and hardware components, making these technological concepts accessible to the young learners and fostering a deep interest in the realm of technology. The sessions covered foundational concepts, including internet basics, safe online practices, and the vital role of cybersecurity in protecting personal information. Rolfe emphasised the significance of understanding IP addressing, the ins and outs of Wi-Fi security, the advantages of VLANs in network segmentation, and the importance of robust hardware configurations. Encouraging active participation, students took part in hands-on activities designed to enhance their understanding of cybersecurity principles. From learning the essentials of secure IP addressing to grasping the importance of VLANs in network organization, the sessions provided practical knowledge that resonated with the students. Boneo Primary School's commitment to a comprehensive education is evident in its forward-thinking approach to technology education. By bringing in industry experts like Andrew Rolfe, the school underscores the importance of preparing students for the challenges and opportunities presented by the ever-evolving digital landscape. Parents and educators praised the initiative, recognizing the significance of early exposure to cybersecurity education that encompasses IP addressing, Wi-Fi security, VLANs, and hardware fundamentals. Such initiatives not only enhance students' technical proficiency but also instill a sense of responsibility regarding online behavior and information security. Andrew Rolfe's visit to Boneo Primary School stands as a testament to the growing need for cybersecurity education at an early age. As technology continues to shape our world, empowering the next generation with essential digital skills, including IP addressing, Wi-Fi security, VLANs, and hardware knowledge, becomes imperative. The students of years 4-6 at Boneo Primary School are now better equipped to navigate the digital realm, thanks to the insightful sessions led by Andrew Rolfe and the school's dedication to nurturing a technologically literate generation.