Well when you have better money that channels deflation, you can take your time to make quality products and get to enjoy the benefits of deflation, let's say something like soy sauce takes like 3 years to make, that a lot of capital risk and a duration mismatch can put you out of business, but if you have hard money planning for it is easier to manage
Instead in fiat it is harder now so you have to cut corners and dilute the product, cut it with all kinds of stuff
As for conventional wisdom, i think the biggest one that most normies don't get is yield/cash flow, I was speaking to a friend of mine, he owns bitcoin and shitcoins, and he can't get his head around the idea that bitcoin CAGR makes chasing yield/cash pointless. if you're money is hard you don't need to go risk it or earn it twice to stay with the amount you need to live
Fiat has instilled a sense within us that finance NEEDS to be difficult. Bitcoin's simplicity baffles people, and I do get it from their perspective, it does sound too good to be true. Just have to be willing to put in individual critical thinking to see that the hype is REAL.